Mearnscraft's Policies On this page we basically inform you what we'll do in the unlikely event of the goods you buy from us being faulty. We suggest how you should complain and who you should complain to, and we agree to deal with your complaint within a fixed time. We also tell you what we do with any information you give to us, and let you know how you can contact us. MEARNSCRAFT'S TRADING POLICY We've been making cross-stitch kits since 1994 and like to think that we have established a reputation for quality and reliability. Our relationship with our customers is all-important to us. So:
COMPLAINTS If you have a complaint, please contact us as soon as possible. We will acknowledge your complaint within a maximum of five working days and would also hope to be able to resolve it within that period*. The person with responsibility for dealing with complaints is David Thorpe. * This period may be extended when we are closed for our annual holiday, in which event we will acknowledge your complaint within five working days of our return. We are sure that you will appreciate that for security reasons we do not advertise our holiday dates on our website. COOLING OFF PERIOD We comply with The Consumer Contracts Regulations 2014 in that we give our customers the right to cancel their order for any reason for up to 14 days following the day on which they receive the goods from us. This means that provided the customer despatches the goods back to us within that period unopened and in good condition we will within 14 days from receipt of the returned goods refund in full the purchase price paid by the customer. The customer will, however, be responsible for the cost incurred by him/her in returning the goods to us and no refund will be considered until such time as the goods are so returned. To exercise the right to cancel the customer must advise us of his or her decision to cancel by a clear written statement (e.g. in an email or letter sent by post) before the cancellation period has expired. You may use the Model Cancellation Form as a guide should you so wish. We will not make any refund for goods returned to us under these provisions of the Regulations unless the goods are returned in a condition fit for resale. If goods are returned damaged or in condition that makes them unfit for resale we shall either make no refund or, at our discretion, deduct from any repayment an amount to reflect the diminished value of the goods. Nothing in the above affects your statutory
rights under the consumer protection laws currently applicable in the
United Kingdom. MEARNSCRAFT'S PRIVACY POLICY This is really quite simple. The only information we collect from our customers are the details they give us when they place orders with us, and we consider that all information about our customers is absolutely confidential. We will neither be given nor hold any information as to your payment methods or details - they will be dalt with by PayPal. We don't keep customer data on our computer. Unless you specifically ask us to do so we won't send you follow-up e-mails or put you on a mailing list. If you shop with us, you'll find that the only information you have to give is that which is strictly necessary to enable us to process the transaction. If you decide to buy from us, you'll be sent a "cookie" when you go to our Shopping check-out. This is a small file which will keep a record of you while you are at the site so that you can, for example, be identified again if you leave the check-out and then return to it. Cookies cannot identify you personally. Allowing a Web site to create a cookie does not give that or any other site access to the rest of your computer, and only the site that created the cookie can read it. Most commercial web-sites use cookies, and if you object to them (and most people don't) you can customise your browser either to reject them out of hand or to prompt you so that you can choose whether or not to accept them. CONTACTING US Our address is 87 Charleston Village, Forfar, Angus, Scotland, which is the address to which you should send any correspondence. You can of course always e-mail by using our Feedback Form. If you want to speak to a real person, phone us on +44 (0)1307 840451 (10.00am - 4.00pm UK time) (normal telephone rates will apply) and ask for either David or Ann Thorpe. If you get our Answering Machine please leave a message and we'll do our best to get back to you, by phone or e-mail if you're in the U.K., by e-mail or letter if you're abroad (so in that case be sure to leave your email address).